Advanced Convening Community of Practice (Non-profit, Community Builder) (annual)


June 5, 2024 - February 5, 2025 (9-month launch period)
First Wednesday of each month
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm CT US

June 5 - July 3 - August 7 - September 4 - October 2 - November 6 - December 4 - January 8 - February 5

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June 5, 2024 - February 5, 2025 (9-month launch period)
First Wednesday of each month
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm CT US

June 5 - July 3 - August 7 - September 4 - October 2 - November 6 - December 4 - January 8 - February 5

June 5, 2024 - February 5, 2025 (9-month launch period)
First Wednesday of each month
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm CT US

June 5 - July 3 - August 7 - September 4 - October 2 - November 6 - December 4 - January 8 - February 5

Participation Agreements

INTENTION: As Art of Convening Graduates, building trust and growing our relational field while being in a learning community of practice together.

This program is live and interactive with the program leaders and participants. There is an expectation of participation in all sessions, to the best of your ability.
All sessions are a blend of group interaction in & between sessions with experiential exercises and individual reading and reflection. 

We ask that you commit to a minimum of 9 months to help build this new community, and create a continuity of experience and relationship with fellow community members.

Cancellation Policy:
Because we are creating a community of practice cohort, please contact Craig and/or Kim to discuss your plans.

Monthly subscription: Update your account on this website to cancel your subscription at any time.
Annual subscription: Cancellations sent via email will be applied on the 1st day of the following month.

Email Patricia Neal with any questions: .