Richard Schwartz, Vice Chair


  • In the mid 1990s, Richard founded an independent consultancy that eventually became The Launch Crew LLC (TLC) in 2006. TLC was an innovation and business development consultancy that operated on an entertainment production company model—assembling customized teams of creative, strategic and marketing services talent to meet a client’s specific needs.

    As a business development consultancy, The Launch Crew delivered contract Chief Marketing/Revenue Officer (CMO/CRO) services for a variety of start-up and emerging companies including Memory Matters, The Business of Aging, JWT Boom, Continuum Crew, RE@L, GetConnectivity, SmartBase Solutions, Learning Outfitters,,,, Sanoson Americas and RE@L - Real Experiences at Life.

    As an innovation consultancy, The Launch Crew completed marketing/innovation projects for large organizations such as AARP, Sholom Foundation, Presbyterian Homes, General Mills, UnitedHealth Group, Del Monte, New Mountain Learning, Thomson Reuters and Target.

    Prior to going off on his own, Richard was a marketing executive at Young & Rubicam/Landor in New York City. He began his career at Dayton Hudson Corporation, the former parent company of Target.

  • VISION: A just, inclusive and interconnected world - a world that works for all.

    My purpose and passion is to create opportunities for leaders of nonprofits to grow themselves personally, professionally and to grow their organizations.