Coming of Age at the End of an Age

An opportunity to rediscover the joy and power of stepping into conscious elderhood, in an elderhood journey.

Our culture’s perception of aging may seem new and revolutionary compared with earlier generations, but is it really? Do our souls really long for more opportunities to travel, more attractive long-term care facilities, or larger flat-screen TV’s for streaming and video watching? While these may effectively enhance our quality of life, they may not feed our souls.

For thousands of years, aging women and men in indigenous cultures have chosen to consciously claim the role of elder, which did not simply mean becoming older. As an elder, a person was revered for their wisdom, not just their success in living many years. Elders were not afterthoughts in their communities but actually guided them because their cultures understood how important elders were for everyone’s emotional and spiritual maturity.

Coming of Age at The End of An Age is an opportunity for participants to rediscover the joy and power of stepping into conscious elderhood along with other participants on the journey. The series has been designed to deepen our wisdom, assist us in navigating the natural limits of aging, and lovingly give back to our communities the gifts that flow from the journey of awakened aging.

  • >Deepening Community: that we may know that we have support on this Journey.

    >Deepening Wisdom: where does wisdom come from? From the Soul, the gut, and heart? Out of the pain we have experienced?

    >Deepening Courage: to face a withering planet at this time in our lives so that we may stand with others on the thresholds of change.

    >Deepening Stability: amid constant uncertainty.

    >Deepening Purpose: because the world is calling us to act as elders.

  • We have gathered resources that will help you weave a powerful container of grief and joy in these challenging times.

    We will practice The Art of Convening, the gathering and holding of people in essential conversation for powerful outcomes.

    We will gather on Zoom as a community of practice to support each other on this journey.

    Participants will be invited to share thoughts, insights, and resources you have discovered along the way.

    You will have access to all these resources after the course is over.

    In other words, we've chosen a spot designed to grow with us over time.


Interested in learning more?


Coming in 2023

Virtual via Zoom
Live and Interactive
Dates to be announced
Program Overview

  • Movement 1: Introduction

  • Movement 2: The Story

  • Movement 3: The Invitation

  • Movement 4: Identity—The Heart of the Matter

  • Movement 5: Practices of Elderhood

  • Movement 6: Embracing Mystery

  • Movement 7: Discernment

  • Movement 8: Co-Creation


The Team

Terry Chapman

Carolyn Baker

Craig Neal

"One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it."


What might it mean for you top "show your soul" as we gather together on this Journey?